Welcome to my personal homepage! Here you find information about my past, my life in science and some special side-projects. I further blog about selected research papers I read.
- 100 m world records: Musings about the progression of world records in 100 m sprint. Demonstrating a dynamic, hierarchical probabilistic model of censored data.
- ActivityLog: The life of a post-doc in distributions of time spent on different activities and projects.
- list of scientific publications
- pyEPABC: Efficient approximate Bayesian computation for models for which you cannot easily compute likelihood values.
- ERC starting grants: An investigation into what it takes to get one.
- UKF exposed: A thorough study of the unscented Kalman filter with a new proposal for default parameters and a surprising result about its inefficiency compared to purely random sampling in high dimensions.
- csv-homeaccounting: A low-tech, Python-based solution for staying on top of your finances across different institutions and asset classes.
- Besser als der Zufall: Warum es nicht so einfach ist zu sagen ob man in einem Fußball-Tippspiel besser tippt als der Zufall und was das mit Wissenschaft zu tun hat.
To contact me at work:
Dr. Sebastian Bitzer
TU Dresden
Fakultät Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften
Fachrichtung Psychologie
Professur für Neuroimaging
Chemnitzerstr. 46b, Room 142
01187 Dresden
phone: +49 351 463-43141
I’m also on Twitter (mostly research related), Research Gate (research), Facebook (mostly personal), Github (mixed coding), Google Scholar (citations) and Google Plus (unclear for what).